The Outline of Our Revised B.A. in Critical & Visual Studies
4:13 PM*Learn how to think logically, clearly, skeptically, critically and, above all, for your self.
*Learn to learn, that is, take in and analyze new information intelligently.
*Grasp the interconnections and dependencies of the various and diverse fields of human inquiry, artistic endeavor, and cultural, social and political practice.
*Refine your sense of ethical, social and political responsibility and of the world’s diverse cultures and communities.
*Further your appreciation of the aesthetic achievements of poetry, cinema, literature and the visual arts.
*Understand the functions of analytical and quantitative reasoning and the methods of the sciences in comprehending the natural and social worlds.
*Gain meaningful access to the historical past both for its own sake and to think creatively about the future.
BA Program in Critical & Visual Studies
Department of Social Science & Cultural Studies
School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Pratt Institute
200 Willoughby Ave.
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11205