
Monday, November 5, 2012

Franco Berardi Bifo on Uprising, Poetry, and Finance November 14, 5pm

The Department of 
Social Science and Cultural Studies
Speakers Series 

Franco Berardi Bifo
 Uprising, Poetry, and Finance

Franco Berardi Bifo, Wednesday, November 14th at 5pm (Engineering Building, Room 307)

Uprising, Poetry, and Finance

Abstract: The relation between language and financial power, and the process of de-referencialization of semiotic signs in the poetry of the XIX and XXth Century (from Symbolism to Futurism to Ermetism and so on). But also the relation between the social revolt against financial domination and the place of poetry as social activation of the cognitarian body.

Franco Berardi Bifo is a writer, theorist and political activist. He founded the magazine A/traverso (1975–81) and was part of the staff of Radio Alice, the first free pirate radio station in Italy (1976–78). Involved in the political movement of Autonomia in Italy during the 1970s, he fled to Paris, where he worked with Félix Guattari in the field of schizoanalysis. Bifo published the books After the future (2011), The Soul at Work (2010), Felix (2001), Cibernauti (1994), Mutazione e Cyberpunk (1993) and contributed to the magazines Semiotext(e), Chimères, Metropoli, and Musica 80. He is currently teaching at the European School for Social Imagination, in San Marino.

For those not familiar with his work, these essays should serve as a nice introduction.

"Info-Labor and Precarisation"

"What is the Meaning of Autonomy Today"